Sunday, January 6, 2013

Misogyny doesn't respect electoral results

[I'm submitting this to Style, but I'm putting it here so it'll be online somewhere if it doesn't get picked up.]

C.S. Lewis once claimed “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”; similarly, we as a nation are at a point where the greatest trick institutional misogyny ever pulled was convincing the world it was defeated once and for all at the polls.
            To be sure, after a 2012 full of ugly, anti-woman legislation and statements, it was a relief to see Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock lose their senatorial campaigns (and Bob Marshall never get to begin his) and record numbers of female candidates pull out wins. But to reduce the war on women to an electoral contest is to miss the real problem. People like Akin may receive particular scrutiny for their backwards views, but they don’t develop in a vacuum, and all over the country, we’re getting demonstrations that the attitudes that fuel misogyny, and actively hurt women, run deeper than an election.
            Look, for example, to the case of Steubenville, Ohio. Steubenville, like a lot of small towns, is very much defined by its high school football team. So it was something of a local scandal when two players were charged with the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl at a party in August. The victim herself did not realize she had been assaulted until pictures relating to the assault were distributed via social media. Beyond its local relevance, the story was largely ignored until recently (the New York Times ran a story on the case, but it went largely unnoticed due to the tragedy in Newtown, Conn. around the same time), but what’s really disturbing is that the town’s treatment of the victim has been less “Friday Night Lights” and more “The Lottery”. Not only have locals referred to the victim as “the train whore” on Facebook, one of Steubenville High’s football coaches told the New York Times that "She had to make up something. Now people are trying to blow up our football program because of it." And most disturbing of all, the hacker collective Anonymous released a video in early January of a former Steubenville High student describing the assault and laughing. Steubenville High’s head coach has not benched any of the accused players. 

            Meanwhile, in Congress (a sentence opening that never bodes well), the House of Representatives failed to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, due in large part to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s decision to block the reauthorization in December; according to the Huffington Post, Cantor insisted on the removal of a provision which would allow tribal authorities to prosecute non-Indians who had committed sexual assault on reservations. According to the watchdog group Media Matters for America, all three major television networks failed to report on Congress’ failure to reauthorize the law.

            Closer to home, the Virginia General Assembly, which found itself in the midst of a PR nightmare after attempting to pass sweeping, invasive anti-abortion legislation last year, has introduced a host of similar legislation for the 2012 session, as well as three separate bills by Delegate Bob Marshall (of course) that would allow companies to deny their employees contraception coverage.

            Ugly mob mentality in a small town, congressional gridlock and a fringe conservative GA fixture showing off might seem like tenuously-related subjects, but under the surface, they are all symptomatic of a larger problem: despite the post-mortems claiming the 2012 election was a referendum on misogynistic policies and ideology, the “war on women” simply takes too many forms, on too many levels, for it to be “won” in one fell swoop.

            Repellent though they are, people like Todd Akin or Rush Limbaugh are actually among the less dangerous members of the anti-woman fringe; as extreme as their views are, they don’t have the discretion or intelligence to make them palatable to the public. The truly dangerous ones are people like the Virginia General Assembly or the apologists for the accused in Steubenville; rather than simply dishing out soundbites that appeal to the base and alienate the mainstream, these people are actively doing things that hurt women and society as a whole, but we don’t recognize the threat as long as they don’t say ridiculous things like “legitimate rape”, even if they’re on video laughing about sexual assault. One of the truly unfortunate things about our 24-hour news cycle is that a major story, no matter how important, is likely to vanish from mainstream coverage after it has “had its day”. And it’s especially hard for the media to address the fact that things like misogyny aren’t simply going to be “won” by one side over the course of a few months. But in the meantime,

women are still being victimized, and the people doing it don’t care whether or not that fits the narrative.

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