Monday, June 25, 2012

Mike Bloomberg is way worse for sex workers than Big Gulp enthusiasts

***Potential triggers. ***

I wrote a column last week for Style Weekly about how enthusiastically eager our society is to pronounce certain women "unworthy" of protection against violence or sexual assault. This could be because they've committed a crime, it could be because they [eek!] enjoy consensual sex (or, as it's more popularly known, WHORESWHORESWHORESWHORESWHORES), it could be because they're sex workers, et cetera.

Well, as is the case a disturbing amount of the time*, the column was followed almost immediately by another incident that made my point. On Friday morning, New York mayor and possible Sontaran Michael Bloomberg signed a bill into law that would fine cab drivers for knowingly giving prostitutes rides. The bill is being heavily sold as an anti-sex trafficking effort, and Bloomberg assured his constituents that it was cool, bros, cabbies wouldn't have to learn to distinguish between prostitutes and "party girls" (a statement that is notable for being insulting to every single noun in it).

Except here's the thing, Michael Bloomberg: much like, even though you're the mayor of New York, you on occasion drive places to do something other than be mayor (quite a lot of occasions, seemingly), sometimes prostitutes get cab rides for reasons other than to have sex for money. Like, for instance, given how disgustingly common sexual and physical violence against them is, a prostitute might- stay with me here- just MIGHT need a cab ride because she's being pursued by someone who intends to do her- or continue to do her- serious harm, or to get to a hospital  after said serious harm has been done to her (speaking as someone who's ridden in an ambulance before, I can assure you a cab is cheaper) and for a cab driver to help her extricate herself from that situation is now against the law.

And even beyond that, how ridiculously fucking vague is "knowingly"? You know that myth that it's entrapment if you ask an undercover cop if he's a cop and he lies and says no? That doesn't apply to prostitutes either. And on top of that, what's to stop a cab driver from deciding that since he doesn't approve of how a woman is dressed, he "knows" she's a prostitute? I mean, it's not as though the taxi industry has demonstrated a willingness to discriminate or anything.

Anyone who's had the misfortune to interact with some "men's rights" loudmouth has probably noticed that they get REALLY defensive when you bring up the concept of rape culture. But I ask you- in all seriousness- what else can you call it when we decide that a woman, because of what she does for a living, has relinquished her right to get to safety, or seek medical attention, as quickly as possible?

Oh, and as you've probably heard, Mayor Bloomberg has also proposed a ban on the sale of sodas over 16 ounces. Guess which one people are more outraged about?

*Seriously. Last year I wrote this a couple days before this happened, and a  month or so ago this was immediately followed by this. I think I might be a jinx.

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